Communication SKills Selection Criteria Example

What's on this page:

  1. The communication skills selection criteria: what is it?
  2. Communication skills selection criteria example.
  3. What you should write about.
  4. More selection criteria examples.

The Communication Skills Selection Criterion: What is it?

You might find the selection criteria are worded like this:

Communicates with influence.
Excellent verbal and written skills.
Demonstrated ability to communicate orally and in writing.
The ability to use open communication skills.
Good communication and interpersonal skills with client focus
Ability to explain technical information to non-technical people.
Ability to write and edit a range of communication materials.
Demonstrated ability to prepare complex written information.
Demonstrated ability to prepare complex reports, policy papers and briefings.
Demonstrated proficiency to communicate in a variety of contexts to a wide range of audiences.

Communication Skills Selection Criteria Example

This is an example of a standard selection criteria response. To see how this exact response has been adapted and shortened for a job application with a 250 word limit, download our free selection criteria ebook.

Communicates with Influence

When I worked as a senior account manager at a leading travel company, I had to communicate convincingly with existing and potential clients to develop business relationships and grow my account portfolio. The method I used for this communication varied according to the situation, but was always delivered with passion and enthusiasm.

Where practical, I preferred to speak directly with clients in a face-to-face setting as this enabled me to notice what they said and how they said it. This was important, as when I noticed a mismatch between their words and their body language for example, I was better able to check my understanding of the issue or to address their concerns straight away. Clients valued this approach and it became a key part of my success in building relationships and winning new business.

During negotiations with potential clients, these skills were also invaluable. Before any negotiation meeting, I would spend time evaluating the options and thinking about the probable approaches that the client might take in the meeting. Through consideration of a range of eventualities, I was able to plan a strategy to fully highlight my company’s strengths while mitigating possible weak points in the argument. As a result, I achieved considerable success with negotiations and was able to achieve win-win situations that satisfied all parties.

When delivering pitches for new business or presentations to existing clients, I always spent time thinking about the audience profile and what their expected viewpoints were going to be ahead of the event so I could shape my communication accordingly. During the event itself, I talked directly to the audience and focused primarily on trying to build an emotional connection with them to convince them of the arguments. One of the most successful ways I did this was by using storytelling techniques at strategic points in the presentation to drive home messages using short, powerful examples from business or life. I found this approach had a much better success rate for winning new business than a more conservative approach based on facts and figures.

These skills have been useful in other management situations as well. One example of this was when I mediated between two employees who were experiencing difficulties working with each other. During this discussion, I encouraged both individuals to express their issues honestly so that I could try to help resolve the situation. In challenging circumstances, I had to mediate between the individuals and try to get them to see things from each other’s perspective. Omen, I had to clarify the points they were making or anticipate how they would react to my suggestions and be ready to justify my viewpoint. The result was that I was able to identify a number of compromises that resolved the key issues and enabled both individuals to work effectively with each other going forward.

What You Should Write About

Show that you:

  • Focus communication on the objective.
  • Have a strong understanding of the key issues being discussed.
  • State facts clearly and back them up with evidence.
  • Use language articulately.
  • Use tone and style appropriate to the audience and purpose.
  • Clearly structure arguments and presentations.

Answer these questions in your selection criteria response:

  1. How do you use your communication skills on a daily basis?
  2. Why is it important to have good communication skills in your current role?
  3. Describe a time where your communication skills benefited the organisation.

More Selection Criteria Examples

Our ebook Selection Criteria Exposed contains 200 examples of statements addressing selection criteria including a variety of responses to the 'Communication Skills' criterion. It has been produced for applicants in a hurry, and without the time to spend writing lengthy selection criteria statements. Take a look!

More Help With Your Job Application:

How to write better selection criteria

How to research an organisation

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